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On 12 July 1931 the foundation stone was laid for the construction by the Crolla brothers of the new church in Esch-Grenz according to the plans of the architect Jean Deitz-Kintzelé. On 10 July 1932, almost exactly one year after the laying of the foundation stone, the solemn consecration of the new Sacred Heart Church took place.

On 4 August 1932, shortly after the consecration of the church, the organ Manufacture STAHLHUT, Succ. G. Haupt & J. Fieth submitted the disposition and the cost estimate for the new organ to be built for the Catholic Parish Church, Sacred Heart of Jesus to Reverend ENGLER.

In order to tide over the time until the completion of the organ and its exhibition in the "Pavillon luxembourgeois" at the World Exhibition 1935 in Brussels, an electronic harmonium with pedal was purchased in May 1934.

The organ was partly financed by the "Landeslotterie zur Anschaffung einer Orgel für die Herz Jesu Pfarrkirche in Esch Grenze".

Despite manifold protests, the non-profit society "Oeuvres paroissiales du Sacré-Coeur d'Esch Frontière" concluded the contract for the purchase of the large organ with the organ building firm Georg HAUPT in Lintgen. This contract was certainly not only concluded because of the favourable purchase price, but also because of the reputation Georg HAUPT had as an organ builder.

Decisive for the building of the Grenzer organ by G. HAUPT was not least the fact that the unforgettable cathedral choirmaster Hw. Mr. D. HECKMES, with wise foresight and in agreement with the diocese, sought to engage an organ builder above reproach in our country. In 1924 he finally succeeded in engaging Mr. Georg Haupt, successor of the Stahlhuth company, to Lintgen.

In this respect it is understandable that there could be no alternative to the Georg Haupt organ building firm for the construction of the Escher organ. The organ was built in the Herz-Jesu Kierche with 40 reeds divided into 3 manuals and pedal, after it had been exhibited for 6 months in the Pavillon luxembourgeois at the World Exhibition 1935 in Brussels.

The organ was inaugurated on 15 December 1935 by Monseigneur J.ORIGER. Participants were Messrs Mathieu LAMBERTY, organist in Luxembourg-Neumerl, Albert LEBLANC, cathedral organist in Luxembourg and Fernand RICH, organist at the Alt Skt Peterkirche in Strasbourg and the Grenzer church choir.

After the extensions of 1948 and 1982, the organ was in poor condition in 2007. On 23 January 2007, the society "LES AMIS DE L'ORGUE D'ESCH-GRENZ asbl" (Numero R.C.S. Luxembourg (F6919) was founded, which, under its then president Dr Paul NILLES, undertook the major restoration and extension of the organ of the Sacred Heart Church.

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